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Offer of extra training in mathematics


Offer of extra training in mathematics


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Math101 - Dansk

About Math101

Math101 is extra mathematics training, which is offered as an extension to the entrance exam. Everyone can participate.

The ability to master mathematics and solve mathematic problems is of great importance to a large number of courses and project work that you will encounter later on in your studies.

There will be short lectures in English, during which the most important math rules will be presented. Afterwards math problems will be solved in groups. The training and the assistance can be in English or Danish as you please.

Course material and assignments

There are a total of nine courses, which take place over week 42-46 two afternoons per week from 4:30 pm – 6 pm.

Each course consists of two parts (with the exception of the last rehearsal):

  • A short presentation of today's topics
  • Assignments with help from teacher (assignments and formula collection are available on Moodle)

Assignments are carried out in the lecture room (or the area in the immediate vicinity) in small groups formed on site.

All material is available on Moodle. 


Course session Content
1 Fractions, powers, roots and squared sums
2 First and second order equations
3 Functions, composition of functions and first and second order polynomials
4 Inverse functions, logarithms, exponential functions and trigonometric functions
5 Derivatives for certain functions as well as sums and scalar multiplication
6 The product and quotient rules, the chain rule
7 Simple definite and indefinite integrals
8 Integration by parts and integration by substitution
9 Rehearsals